Yield Category

Yield products are crafted to generate yield on an underlying asset.


The USDmny token leverages stablecoin collateral to consistently generate profits. By thoughtfully borrowing against collateral, it ensures steady yield, uninfluenced by the market's whims.

This USD yield token seeks to tap into Networks' best and safest stablecoin opportunities. Should better earning chances emerge, the vault will adapt to ensure consistent, long-term growth.

The USDpy token elegantly amplifies yield on USD, harnessing the funding accrued from perpetual trading arenas.

USD Perp Liquidity Yield generates yield by providing liquidity to Perp DEXes to earn trading and liquidation fees. Vault may experience slight market exposure from being the counterparty to perps traders, but should earn over time.


This token amplifies yield on ETH, either by directly providing liquidity or by strategically leveraging borrowed assets for profit.